The model exhibits highest correlations with observations during September-October when fires were active and extreme pollution episodes occurred (Figure S1b), with lower correlations (~0.2) associated with the low AOD values recorded in November. The model is characterized by a systematic negative ...
The head direction (HD) system functions as the brain’s internal compass1,2, classically formalized as a one-dimensional ring attractor network3,4. In contrast to a globally consistent magnetic compass, the HD system does not have a universal reference
using BH masses, BH spins, positions, and redshifts. In particular, the mass distribution primary (or heavier) BHs is used most frequently, because primary BH masses are determined with an accuracy of∼10% (Abbott et al.2019,2021,2023). Note that effective spins of ...
By 2050 Africa’s most populous nation could have nearly 400 million people squeezed into a country one-tenth the size of the United States
Furthermore, thanks to advancements in both science and technology, 60 is no longer considered “old,” and there are more options to remain active in the workforce beyond this age (Ng & Feldmann, 2008, 2012; Radović-Marković, 2013). Retaining older workers in the workforce is therefore...
Thus, one might consider triggering a younger age identity among the Chinese population in general, with the aim of making people more likely to take up active planning behaviors for old age and relieving government budgets from long-term care payments, and in the meanwhile, helping them better...
Visual stimuli evoke heterogeneous responses across nearby neural populations. These signals must be locally integrated to contribute to perception, but the principles underlying this process are unknown. Here, we exploit the systematic organization of o
Enhancer RNAs (eRNA) are unstable non-coding RNAs, transcribed bidirectionally from active regulatory sequences, whose expression levels correlate with enhancer activity. We use capped-nascent-RNA sequencing to efficiently capture bidirectional transcrip
population. To study how persistent anthropogenic changes impacted local species’ population status, we characterised population structure, genetic diversity and individual response of gene expression in the tree frogHyla orientalisalong a gradient of radioactive contamination around the Chernobyl nuclear ...
[89]. While periodic connectivity with the Coleman Creek population during wet years could help explain the population expansion within Foskett Spring over evolutionary time (see below), the high contemporary Neof Foskett Dace most likely reflects the active restoration work to increase open water ...