mongoose.model('Person', mongoose.Schema({ name: String}));// `ref` tells Mongoose populate what model to queryconst Movie = mongoose.model('Movie', mongoose.Schema({ title: String, director: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' }, actors: [{ type: mongoose.Object...
Mongoose 在后台执行一个单独的查询来加载引用的文档。 Basic Populate 假设您有两个Mongoose 模型:Movie和Person,电影文件有一个director和一个数组actors。 constPerson=mongoose.model('Person',mongoose.Schema({name:String}));// `ref` tells Mongoose populate what model to queryconstMovie=mongoose.model('Mo...
现有document 同样可以被填充,mongoose 3.6之后支持了 document#populate() 方法。 填充多个现有 document 如果要填充一个或多个 document 或是(像 mapReduce 输出的)对象, 我们可以使用 Model.populate() 方法,此方法适用版本同样需要大于mongoose 3.6。document#populate()和query#populate()也是使用这个方法填充 docume...
I have two schemas, User and Story, shown below. I am trying to reference the User for a Story using the Ref option to Populate in a Query - I've using mySQL before and so wanted to try to replicate a JOIN statement. Whenever I try to use populate I just get the objectID returned...
Query#populate 什么Query? Query(查询),可以快速和简单的从MongooDB查找出相应的 document(s)。 Mongoose 封装了很多查询的方法,使得对数据库的操作变得简单啦。这里分享一下populate方法用法。 语法: Query.populate(path, [select], [model], [match], [options]) ...
接下来分享下:Query#populate Model#populate Document#populate的用法 先建立三个Schema和Model: var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var Schema = mongoose.Schema; var UserSchema = new Schema({ name : { type: String, unique: true }, posts : [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Post' }]...
本文源自工作中的一个问题,在使用 Mongoose 做关联查询时发现使用 populate() 方法不能直接关联非 _id...
Thanks in advance node.js mongoose mongoose-populate Here it is. Pins.find(condition) .limit(limit) .sort({time: -1}) .populate({path: 'user_id',select: '_id name pic twitter_id fb_id',options: { lean: true}}) .lean().exec(function(err, pins) { ...
Mongoose still only executes one query to populateauthors. It just increases thelimitto match the number of articles and then applies the originallimitafter the fact. constres =awaitArticle.find().populate('authors', { limit:1});// Equivalentconstres =awaitArticle.find();constlimit =...
// This time, we're not passing a string, but an object to populate(),多层关联Users.findOne({/* query here */}) .populate({ path: 'address friends', // The string we passed in before populate: { path: 'address' // This will populate the friends' addresses ...