popular vote: 普选 electoral vote:选举团的票 这是美国总统选举特有的。普选顾名思义就是老百姓直接投票,很多人认为普选就是直接产生总统的途经,其实不是。其中选举团的影响力更大。选举团里的人经各州普选产生。总统和副总统只有获得270张选举团的票才能当选。如果都不足270张,则由众议院选定下一...
popular vote是普选,直接 投票的意思,electoral vote 是选举投票的意思。可以说,选举投票是对总统选举有很重要的影响,是决定谁能当选总统的关键。
一个是选举团(一小批人投的)electro college 一个是普选(一人一票)popular election 就世界历史而言...
What is the difference between popular vote and electoral vote? Learn how to use each word properly on Dictionary.com.
Does the Electoral College determine the president? What is the difference between popular vote and Electoral College? Why are there 538 Electoral College votes? How many total Electoral College votes are there? Can the Electoral College vote for anyone?
Why the Popular Vote Is a Bad Idea ; Electoral College Prevents PopulousIt was never intended for the president to be elected by popularvote.You really dont want it...Crouser, Tom
Answer and Explanation: Popular votes and electoral votes are related, as it is the popular vote that determines which candidate receives the electoral votes for each state. ... Learn more about this topic: What are Electoral Votes? - Definition & Overview ...
Since states vary in population and many popular votes for different candidates can be quite close within an individual state, it makes sense that a candidate might win the popular vote across the entire United States but not win in the Electoral College. As a specific example, let's say the...
Upon the final tally, President Barack Obama defeated Romney in both the popular vote and electoral college. “He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!” said Trump in one deleted tweet, and “More votes equals a ...