Even for adventurous couples, there may be a few positions they’ve never tried before – but want to. Here are the most common sex positions people want to try when experimenting in bed: The Lotus sex position was the position that most people wanted to try in one study.(Bespoke Surgical...
Antelope Slot Canyon Tours in Arizona specializes in tours of the state’s famous canyons(峡谷), which gives photographers the chance to capture them on camera.Most of the tourists are able to make beautiful images with just their mobile phones. Still, help is on hand from the tour guide ...
With a bowl-shaped crater reminiscent of Arizona’s Grand Canyon, this diving spot is peppered with caves and coral formations that host an array of marine life, including amberjacks, Ulua, unicorn surgeonfish, eels, and more. The canyon actually used to be a volcanic crater with a base of...
Rick is a teenager who travels to Oahu’s famous North Shore after he wins a wave tank surfing contest in his hometown in Arizona. He ventures to Hawaii to try his skills in the world of professional surfing, but finds that he’ll need a little help from some friends along the way....
We all have that one favorite bar we go to. Either family, co-workers, or friends are coming over for the evening, there's that one place we all love and out-of-towners always ask, "Can we go back to that place?" A bar can be many things, a place to wind down after a long...
This really makes it easy to track the amount of time we spend at each level. My wife and I are both big ‘number people’ so being able to track and prevent overtraining as well as getting sufficient recovery is paramount for us.” —Andrew Cunningham, Tucson, Arizona...
Today, the species is only found in a few states, including Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. Life History and Behavior The razorback sucker is a long-lived fish; individuals have been known to live for more than 20 years. The fish spawns in the springtime. Female...
In response to the election of Donald Trump and the #MeToo movement, masses of women beganwearing feminist protest shirtsas both a political statement and a fashion statement. By 2017, girl-power shirts were a mainstay, withcompanies making fortunesdesigning shirts with slogans like "Matriarch,"...
Choosing the right floor plan when you’re building a new home is important. Get some free help from floor plan experts and find out more about our five most popular designs.
Marijuana Jobs in Arizona Arizona began recreational cannabis sales in January 2021 and has seen a significant expansion in its market and job prospects. If you thought Arizona is nothing but sand and sun, then think again. Arizona’s medical and recreational cannabis market is within the top 10...