Popular Sovereignty and the United States Constitution: Tensions in the Ackermanian ProgramESSAY CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: IMPLICATIONS OF POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY I. "POPULAR sovereignty" AS...Levinson, Sanford VictorYale University, School of LawThe Yale Law Journal...
都是课本上得题目,主要关于civil war1.How was the gold rush of 1849 linked to the slavery controversy.2.How did the compromise of 1850 collapse.3.What is popular sovereignty.give an example of when and how it was used.4.what was the kansas-
What does popular sovereignty mean in the Constitution? Does the First Amendment apply to businesses? Does double jeopardy apply to a grand jury? Is government ownership of property an example of fascism? What is a common carrier in business law?
Imperatives of the divine and the popular, the theocratic and the democratic, often speak in different voices. Divine sovereignty is the language of transcendence and alterity. Whatever the place of human nature in knowing God and embracing His law, the Islamic conception of the divine law locates...
In this instance, Japan acted in a vacuum of hard power; Japan’s pacifist constitution nullifies any potential military action and Japan was (and still is) in the throes of recession, reducing economic clout. Thus, it is arguable that Japan’s failure can be solely ascribed to the ...
At this time the sovereignty was vested in the person of Raymond, the uncle of Eleanor of Aquitaine. This Prince, presuming upon his relationship to the French Queen, endeavoured to withdraw Louis from the grand object of the Crusade — the defence of the kingdom of Jerusalem, and secure ...
Constitution which states, “No State shall pass any Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts.” Any attempt to appoint presidential electors after the people vote in November would invalidate the “conclusiveness” of that state’s results under existing federal law specifying that ...
Gish, Dustin
But "popular sovereignty," not to mention "democracy," has many conceptions, and there is a tension within Ackerman's overall project as to which of the varieties he is most comfortable with. The United States Constitution, though written (and ratified) in the name of "We the People," ...
It was one thing to ascribe sovereignty to an imagined people, as the Constitution's Preamble did, it was quite another to define, in concrete terms, what that sovereignty meant and who constituted this people. For the most part, the tricky problems popular sovereignty posed were sent to the...