Interstellaris an epic sci-fi film set in the not-too-distant future where the earth is becoming an uninhabitable place. Directed byChristopher Nolan, the movie follows a former NASA pilot turned farmer, Cooper (Matthew McConaughey), who stumbles upon a top-secret project that could save humani...
IMDb RATING 6.8/10 15 YOUR RATING RateFantasySci-Fi In this world, all exchange transactions and social interactions are overseen by a system called 'the Spirit'. Mysteriously a rash of unexplained killings have broken out across the globe. Director Melanie Gilligan Writer Melanie Gilligan Stars ...
Dawn of the Planet of the Apesis a cerebral sci-fi movie that successfully expands the franchise’s lore with thought-provoking ideas of survival and the human condition.
List Rules: Vote up all the sci-fi games you're playing in 2019. next up winners & losers #28. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare moved down on The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time #10. Final Fantasy VII moved up on The 220+ Most Compelling Video Game Storylines Ever #...
Also ranks #10 on The Best 1950s TV Dramas, Ranked Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 46 My Favorite Martian September 29, 1963 907 votes This atypical sci-fi comedy turned the extraterrestrial trope on its head by depicting an endearing friendship between stranded Martian anthropologist "Unc...
In 2016,Donnie Darkodirector and writer Richard Kellyshared the scripthe’d written forHoles, which diverged from the source material with added sci-fi elements. Kelly was booted from the project shortly thereafter, and Sachar was brought on to write a screenplay that was more faithful to his ...
To help you navigate the vast swath of Netflix offerings, we’ve gathered our reviews, features, and quick takes on the shows and films that have cracked the top 10 list for the United States, and put them in one easy-to-read place. Read on to find out what people are watching, and...
In 2016,Donnie Darkodirector and writer Richard Kellyshared the scripthe’d written forHoles, which diverged from the source material with added sci-fi elements. Kelly was booted from the project shortly thereafter, and Sachar was brought on to write a screenplay that was more faithful to his ...
Free Movies Box ($RWQJOO6.exe). Free Movies Box is a Windows app that allows watching full-length, uncut Hollywood movies in HD quality and standard quality.
Mary Shelley started writing the great monster novel when she was only 18 and completed it when she was 21. The 1823 gothic novel is arguably one of your first works of science fiction. ...