Ai no Kusabi (AIC, 2012) is a Japanese sci-fi yaoi anime OVA based on the novel written by Rieko Yoshihara. In a society where elites are assigned various social classes based on their hair color, Iason Mink, a high-class "Blondie", runs into Riki, a black-haired "Mongrel", and mak...
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As an avid reader of all kinds of books, I’ve often wondered the same thing. Are the Harry Potter books considered “fantasy”, “young adult” or “adventure”? Is the Hunger Games trilogy considered “sci-fi” or “dystopian fiction”? Can books be more than one genre? Whew! So ...
Sci-Fi TV Class of '09TVMA • Thriller, Drama • TV Series (2023) CreamerieTV14 • Comedy, International • TV Series (2021) StitchersTV14 • Family, Drama • TV Series (2015) Bloom (AUS)Drama, Mystery • TV Series (2019) The OrvilleTV14 • Space, Aliens • TV Serie...
to avenge her sister's death. However, Zetian then discovers her own immense power and is set on a path to becoming a vengeful leader.Iron Widow'sprotagonist is satisfyingly ruthless and her relationships with the other main characters are well-written,making it a must-read for sci-fi fans...
Questioning the sci‐fi alibi: a critique of how ‘science fiction fears’ are used to explain away public concerns about risk J. Risk Res., 13 (1) (2010), pp. 73-86 Google Scholar Kvale, 1996 S. Kvale Interviews: an Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing Sage, London (1996)...
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start watching s1 e1 kaiju no. 8 sub | dub action, sci-fi, shonen in a world plagued by creatures known as kaiju, kafka hibino aspired to enlist in the defense force. he makes a promise to enlist with his childhood friend, mina ashiro. soon, life takes them in separate ways. while...
Year Running: 2023Did You Know? FUBAR marks Schwarzenegger’s first major role in a TV series. 32. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Genre: Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure IMDb Rating: 8.2/10 Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is a Paramount+ original show that’s both a spinoff of Star Trek: ...
dub action, sci-fi, shonen in a world plagued by creatures known as kaiju, kafka hibino aspired to enlist in the defense force. he makes a promise to enlist with his childhood friend, mina ashiro. soon, life takes them in separate ways. while employed cleaning up after kaiju battles, ...