back to the coast at Boulogne, where we were held until after King Henry’s army returned to England. We were treated civilly enough and once my rib had mended we were free to wander round the town during the day, for the gates were well guarded and we couldn’t get to the boats....
YOLO has entered the investing world. We saw a lot of YOLO during the Reddit short squeeze of GameStop and AMC earlier this year. YOLOing means throwing a good portion of your account value into one trade. It is not advisable, and almost certainly a way to lose most or all of your ...
gold is subject to taxes when sold, and in the physical market is usually bought at a premium to spot and sold at a discount to spot, since the middlemen need to earn a profit to make a liquid market. So, it’s not great for everyday use,...
Extremetailriskofpennystocksfallingangels andotherstocksofdifferentpricelevelsAmong‘‘under 1’’securitiesthatare ushedbytheone dollarrule somemayhavealwaysbeenpennystockswhilesomemaybefallenangelsthathaveexperienceddramaticpricedecreasesfromahighleveltobelow Sincehighpriced relativeto thealwayspennystocksshould...