Our impression is that over the last thirty or forty years, there has been a shift between the local rhythms, and the more globalized western music rooted in the 12-note scale now common in Thai popular music. Thus, a popular Thai holiday song like "Loi Katong" is played in both scales...
hhaanndd ttooookk tthhee hhaattss ooff uuppppeerr--lleevveell iinnddiivviidduuaallss tthheeyy eennccoouunntteerreedd iinn tthhee ssttrreeeett aanndd ccuutt tthheemm ttoo mmaakkee tthheemm llooookk lliikkee bbrrooaadd--bbrriimmmmeedd hhaattss iinn tthhee SSppaanniisshh ffaasshhiio...
Setasttis(tdicoallnaons´allay˛sskeisew, oerpeoblsakseied, s´la˛skie), sooonfurntehuspm(mobneasrłeoospffdooelrscaklaigerai,vtpieoonndsrk;ehgaoiropwnaecfvokerire,a)r.egsSiuvtaeltntsisattirmiecvaeslislaountaalwilzyaessdetisrnewapteeerrdceeanbstaa1sg0ee0d%teo.rnmOnsnulaynmdinbt...