Fredrik Wikingsson Tårtgeneralen, Så tar du ut din lön i choklad, Två nötcreme och en Moviebox Lars Filip Hammar (born March 26, 1975) and Fredrik Wikingsson (born August 16, 1973), commonly known as Filip and Fredrik, are two Swedish writers, television hosts and jo...
Tthheisdmomigehsttbiceeecxopnlaoimneyd, wbyotrhkeinfgac-ctltahsast,waosmtheeny wweerree itnhechfiarrsgtetoofntohteedsohmoretsatgicesecinonfoomody,awndorckoinngs-ucmlaessr wgooomdesnorw, ienreotthheer fiwrostrdtos,ntootfeeeslhthoreteafgfeesctisnoffotohde carnisdisctoringsguemreedr bgyooEdsq...
Introduction This study refers to urban social movements, creative social resistances, and the collectives that are emerging today in the peripheral "self-constructed popular neighborhoods" (self-help housing), with a special focus on the new characteristics of these movements and the poetics of ...