Pacific Gas and Electric, now finds that it must raise$50 billion for wildfire prevention,after years of neglecting maintenance on the long distance transmission lines used for hydroelectric generation and other long distance
BBeeccaauussee IIhhaadd lleefftt ccoolllleeggee aanndd wwhheenn II ssaaww tthheemm,, aallll iilllliitteerraattee rruussttiiccss [[aannppaarr ddiihha¯āttii]],, II tthhoouugghhtt ttoo mmyysseellffwwhhaattwwiilllltthheeyytteeaacchhmmee?? II aallrreeaaddyy kknnooww mmoorree tt...
Some teachers and tthheeiirr vvaarriiaannttss mmaayy bbeeffoorrggootttteenn,, while others will bee rreeccaalllleedd ffoorr ggeenneerraattiioonnsstthhrroouugghhtthheemmeellooddiieesstthheeiirrssttuuddeennttssppllaayy. . This practice suggests there are two forms of ritual efffificacy and two...
The modern dimension of this historical episode derives from the introduction of people as a political term: the class of the underprivileged that, socially marginalized and long excluded from politics, now becomes the constitutive political subject of the modern state (Agamben 2000, p. 28). In ...
r4e7 )u annddep r1a.w2 1p52ar)5yo )a.c raPeerse e1sur2 huon5anfd) p dceasoerr wmrtehw amueayn yos.d .onPe‐Piecrnerawgrhlhl a(eay[pd1p.s 1s"P 0tdteh]h,rae ehpn sas.go poe‐-srcc oatauhllllese" dds o[""1‐...
.LLaaddddeerr oobbsseerrvveedd iinnWWaalllloonniiaa--BBrruusssseelslsFFeeddeeraratitoionn(F(WFWB)B()b(absaesdedonoPnoPuoleuuleruert aelt.,a2l0.,0280(0p8p. (p1p1.51–1154–01) 4a0n)danind2i0n1280).18). More specifically, we will develop our hypotheses on the evolution of this ...
nelehcutmroapnhoprlaecseisntaanadndhisgphe-rpmerofofrOm.amnyckeislsiqauniddOc.hkreotma; ahtoowgreavpehr,y p[r1e6v]i.oEuvsisdteundtileys, cthleearsloyudrceemoofnPsDtrRatNedisthdaitstPinDcRt Nbeftrwomeendihffuemreannt spoluacrecenstaexahnidbistpedersmimoiflaOr.pmroypkiesrstiaensd inOw....
isnuuoogccfhsfh.aaaaddssaadpdpetaetmatmitooigonorgna[r4pa[4h4p]]sSi.,tcucsSdo,tniucetodsenxibettyesaxndbtdeyaDcndodeeganrDciotaeignoandnritainodn BrageBrr[a3g9e]rh[3a9v]ehsahveowshnowthnatthoact couccpuapnatnstisninnnaatuturraallllyy vveennttiillaatteeddbbuuilidldinignsgasrear...
To strengthen this connection between the media and its social embedding, we work with both duration (extensity) and frequency (intensity) of mobile phone usage, since it has been shown that log data on both are complementary in their correlation with socioeconomic, demographic, and other ...