Popular Preaching and the Dialectic of Structure-AgencyRRiiyyaazz TTRiimmiRyooRailliyzyaTazzimTTioimmlooll in an Islamic Revivalist Movement: The Case of Maulana Tariq Jamil and the Tablighi Jama'atCentre forCtehnCeCteSrenetnutfrtdoreryeftofohorfertIhStshlteauemSdStyutiundodyftyhIoseoflafUImsIKslal...
Some teachers and tthheeiirr vvaarriiaannttss mmaayy bbeeffoorrggootttteenn,, while others will bee rreeccaalllleedd ffoorr ggeenneerraattiioonnsstthhrroouugghhtthheemmeellooddiieesstthheeiirrssttuuddeennttssppllaayy. . This practice suggests there are two forms of ritual efffificacy and two...
""AAttttaacckk oonn aa MMiilliittaarryy CCaammpp"".. Figure 8. "Attack on a Military Camp". 5. Becoming Modern: Crisis as Symbol of Emancipation Moments of crisis are closely connected with times of profound historical disruption and change. In the light of the cultural work as an ...
nuuoogccfhsfh.aaaaddssaadpdpetaetmatmitooigonorgna[r4pa[4h4p]i4.ch]sSi.,tcucsSdo,tniucetodsenxibettyesaxndbtdeyaDcndodeeganrDciotaeignoandnritainodn BrageBrr[a3g9e]rh[3a9v]ehsahveowshnowthnatthoact couccpuapnatnstisninnnaatuturraallllyy vveennttiillaatteeddbbuuilidldinignsgasrearteo...
ingonru‐spigtunriefy, icnagrt orugpratpuhrey, acanrdtodgercaaplchoym, andia doef cthalecorhmizaonmiae o(fD tehleu rzhei,zGomuaet tari (Delneoutzioen, Gs [u5a3t]t)a—ric naontsiohnosw [5h3o]w)—flcuaind sihdoenwt ihtioeswa frleuind "id...
Thus, we investigated the effects of PDRN on melanogenesis in a coculture model of human melanocytes and keratinocytes as well as in melanocytes. 2. Results 2.1. Polydeoxyribonucleotide and Placentex® Inhibit Melanogenesis in Mel-Ab Cells and in Human Melanocyte–Keratinocyte Cocultures To ...
Urban Renovation in Mons and Onnaing The inhabitants of Cuvinot (Onnaing, France) and Épinlieu (Mons, Belgium) did not experience the urban renewal of their neighbourhood in the same way. The support and consideration given to their voices were approached differently on both sides of the ...
CCaannoonniiccaall ccoorrrreellaattiioonnaannaallyyssiissmmooddeellffoorr((aa))eexxtteennssiittyy,,aanndd(b(b))inintetennssitiyty. . In contrast to traditional digital divide literature [30,31], both the price and education are not the two Imn acionnetrxapsltatnoattroardyitvioanriaal...
On the contrary, the percentage of A. mellifera caucasia has never Agriculture 2021, 11e, x65c2eeded the 20% level, and since 2009 it has dramatically fallen below 10%, never meet- ing a sufficient increase. The percentage of A. mellifera mellifera dropped from about 40% 4 of 16 to ...