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His title “Great Sage Equaling Heaven” (Qitian dasheng, 齊天大聖) (ch. 4) was actually borrowed from the “Eastern Marchmount” (Dongyue, 東嶽; a.k.a. “Eastern Peak”), the god of Mt. Tai. This suggests that the older brother from the aforementioned zaju play is really the Easte...
This is just a head-slapper on all counts. — Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNYC) August 8, 2018 So the Oscars are creating “a new category for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Film.” It’s a golden pacifier for the forty-year-old manbabies who are always boo-hooing that their precious ...
and then your subclass, and you’re locked in. Even multiclassing isn’t terribly useful. It’s a simple path to follow, with minimal customization. There are 5 choices maximum: race, subrace, background, class, subclass. That’s it. ...