University student Morinaga harbors a secret crush on his homophobic senior Souichi. After Souichi discovers Morinaga's feelings, he rejects Morinaga harshly. But continued encounters lead to Souichi questioning himself while Morinaga remains determined to prove his love despite Souichi's harsh temperam...
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Naturally, they don’t make it easy on him, playing annoying sounds and videos on repeat as a form of torture. Among the noises is an iPhone alarm chiming for over an hour. Does he make it? It’s a long journey, but you’ll be entertained the whole way through. Even though there...
Yao Chi, Chen Yusi, Fu JingYu Fei, a female student who took the male role in Peking Opera, studied under the master of the “Shan Deng Ting” and was expelled from the oprea due to a mistake. Bai Fili, the producer of the old-fashioned stage play, was looking for an actress with...
aHello greatchi: 你好greatchi :[translate] a他们是十年前认识对方的 They are ten years ago know opposite party[translate] aI have been to Beijing one 我是到北京一[translate] a家长认为学习是孩子最重要的事 The guardian thought the study is the child most important matter[translate] ...
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[...]Chinese steampunk martial arts blockbuster about the early years of Tai chi master Yang Luchan, the man who founded in the 19th century whathasnowbecome themostpopularTaiChi style in the world. 劇情 首播日期: 2012.11.01 清中葉以降,西方列強大舉入侵,中國面臨...
which currently has over 18 million subscribers. Books and magazines are a major category on the new channel's window display. Thanks to Dong's recommendation in various shows, "The Last Quarter of the Moon," written by Chinese novelist Chi Zijian, has sold nearly 3 million copies through th...