That's right, K-pop's hottest new group is an animated boy band consisting of five members: Yejun, Noah, Bamby, Eunho and Hamin. They made their official debut on March 12, 2023, with their single albumAsterum, which now has over 10 million streams on Spotify. Their second EP,Asteru...
That's right, K-pop's hottest new group is an animated boy band consisting of five members: Yejun, Noah, Bamby, Eunho and Hamin. They made their official debut on March 12, 2023, with their single albumAsterum, which now has over 10 million streams on Spotify. Their second EP,Asteru...
That's right, K-pop's hottest new group is an animated boy band consisting of five members: Yejun, Noah, Bamby, Eunho and Hamin. They made their official debut on March 12, 2023, with their single albumAsterum, which now has over 10 million streams on Spotify. Their second EP,Asteru...
That's right, K-pop's hottest new group is an animated boy band consisting of five members: Yejun, Noah, Bamby, Eunho and Hamin. They made their official debut on March 12, 2023, with their single albumAsterum, which now has over 10 million streams on Spotify. Their second EP,Asteru...
s signature diamond sits inside a glittery dome, but what makes it so cool is that fans can customize the inside of the Carat Bong to truly make it their own. Using everything from flowers to photo cards, Carats have taken their Carat Bongs to the next level, essentially making their ...