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45 Frank Oropesa, the bong6 player for the group (and an Abakua member), recently composed "Pon atenci6n al Abakua" (Pay attention to the Abakua), a tribute to Pineiro's clave iiaiiiga, which begins with short Spanish phrases and then launches into Abakua enkames (chants) (Oropesa & ...
Kegland Hop Bong: Initially created so you can purge dry hops before dropping them into a sealed fermenter, Mark Lehman showed us a version he uses for adding fining agents to carbonated beer. Very versatile based on what parts you add to it. *cough cough..renew your membership Calendar Dat...
Bong WWII Heritage Center. 800/942-5313. 7. PINE LINE RECREATION TRAIL A 28-mile trail that follows a former railbed from Medford to Prentice in northcentral Wisconsin. Five miles of the trail have been surfaced with limestone screenings, with the remainder in crushed gravel. 800/269-4505...