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On one occasion, I even wrapped my bistar [baggage], tied the knot and bent down to lift it but then I remembered the reality of my state and suddenly an invisible force moved me back . . . (https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPuDzSiLcWk). Returning from this journey, Jamil met ...
"We have been living hunted for many years now. Our life was constantly under persecution" . . . "We had something to do to talk about our values, and our heroes such as Bartolina Sisa and Túpaj Katari" . . . "Faced with such a situation we began an effort through poetry. We ...
(ndoraoingnai'nltyawlsliysatonhfettyihtwe)s,eer"epN1a1iinpptaoininrgtesin.sgass, "bu(tNthorreetharoesleos)t) anbdelo"nAgimngatrogDaiepgoredseel nAclciáaz"ar,(tBhiettceurrrepnrteMsearnqcueis),ofwthoemRoemnanaac,tdivireecltydersecseinsdtanpthoyf Psiecdarol CaanrodysSeuxreudaal, 3vrd...
Setasttis(tdicoallnaons´allay˛sskeisew, oerpeoblsakseied, s´la˛skie), sooonfurntehuspm(mobneasrłeoospffdooelrscaklaigerai,vtpieoonndsrk;ehgaoiropwnaecfvokerire,a)r.egsSiuvtaeltntsisattirmiecvaeslislaountaalwilzyaessdetisrnewapteeerrdceeanbstaa1sg0ee0d%teo.rnmOnsnulaynmdinbt...