“Now say it without using the sock puppet.” [Extended pause]“Does this mean we’re not gonna screw?” “Please submit all declarations of love in writing and allow four to six weeks for processing.” “It’ll never work. I’m a Sagittarius, you’re an asshole.” ...
drink, and then drink some more, Saint Patrick himself was vastly responsible for both the Christianization of Ireland, and bringing the name Patrick into vogue. However, the name was not used much on the Emerald Isle before the 17th century, as it was seen “too sacred for everyday ...
I'm got error: 2018-11-16 03:10:20 - error: Failed to start Error: request timeout at CcZnp.<anonymous> (/opt/zigbee2mqtt/node_modules/cc-znp/lib/ccznp.js:255:22) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:315:30) at emitOne (events.js:116:13) at CcZnp.emit (events.js:211:7) at...
In two notable examples, Aping rapped over the chayyam (chaiy a¯m. ) cymbal rhythm that musicians play at the Buddhist ritual of pun. y kathin on "Ereva Chanoy", and Pou Khlaing featured the khluy (flute) on a song whose title translates as "Help Care for the Ancestors' ...
Francoism rechanneled females back into the home and fabricated a discursive narrative around a self-sacrificing, obedient and subordinated feminine archetype that made women good mothers and wives, as the success of the nation depended on the successful workings of a traditional conservative family. ...
Büchler, R.; Costa, C.; Hatjina, F.; Andonov, S.; Meixner, M.D.; Le Conte, Y.; Uzunov, A.; Berg, S.; Bienkowska, M.; Bouga, M.; et al. The influence of genetic origin and its interaction with environmental effects on the survival of Apis mellifera L. colonies in ...