ALT Balaji has declared that it might create an increasing number of new web shows. The reports claim the platform will launch a few new series under its brand. Among its most well-known online series are Fittrat, Haq Se, Mumbhai, Mehrunissa, Bang Baang, Main Hero Boll Raha Hu, and ...
With the consistent efforts & support of the then local Councilor, Late Shri. Kuwarji Jethabhai Shah, Dr. V. B. Korgaonkar and the local residents, the landlord Rajabai Tayyabali agreed to give a plot for construction of a market. Ganesh Galli Ganpati, Lalbaug Sarvajanik Utsav Mandal, ...
A fairly large crowd has gathered around us by now. "Who are these people, Tahir Bhai?" they want to know. "Are they government agents?" Tahir replies in the negative and introduces us. "Don't worry," he says, "they're not Buddha Babu's agents; they work for a Delhi-based ...
He lives in a cave or emptied place (5. 9); he has mastered his sense organs (5. 11); he lives on alms (bhaikṣyam 5. 14) and eats what he gets in his vessel (5. 15). This siddha yogī is not touched by karmas or sins (5. 20); he studies the Vedas, performs ...
Shahid Alvi is another viral name among those people who became popular overnight from Social Media in India. His magic line Bhai Bhai Bhai in videos attract many people towards him and they enjoy his video a lot. Though you can find some Hindi slang in his video but still his videos ar...
Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan was born on 27thDecember 1965 in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. Besides as an actor, he is also a producer, television personality, singer, and philanthropist. Salman is popularly known as “Sallu Bhai” and “Bhaijaan” by his fans. He has won many awards ...