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Helpful if u don't know what candidates you agree with most. Don't be lazy- look *** up if ur not sure what it is! — Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman)February 15, 2016 Just took the political issues quiz at
increase enrolment in primary schooling, UNESCO must now focus on improved [...] 鉴于在提高小学入学率方面取得极大 成 功, 现 在, 教科 文组织必须关注改进中等教育及技 术和职业教育与培训的交付情况。 This article concentrates on discussing the US presidentia...
4.~nau[~なう]: Internet slang adopted by texters and social media users. This mutation of the English word "now" indicates your current location, activity, food, etc. when added to the end of a word. 5.Reality-filled[ria-juu- リア充]: This internet slang is used to describe people...
representation of what happens to be hot in Korea,” says Bernie Cho, president of DFSB Kollective, a Seoul-based Korean artist and label services agency. “Right now, similar to the U.S. charts, a wide range of genres in Korea is currently popular and therefore, by default, K-pop....
mistake, he was expelled and forbidden to become a detective. years later, police officer totomaru isshiki knocks on ron’s door seeking help on a serial murder case. he finds ron, now a messy-haired recluse, who agrees. together, this mismatched detective team begins solving their first ...