Fifteen Miles on the Erie Canal See Low Bridge Everybody Down Flying Trapeze 1868 - m. Alfred Lee, w. George Leybourne V - Once I was happy, but now I'm forlorn. Like an old coat that is tatter'd and torn. C - He'd float through the air with the greatest of ease. A daring...
"Guess this puts a crimp in that crazy electrical hobby that's been keeping you up nights, eh?" she asked shrewdly. "Ummmmmm," I murmured, my eyes clouded with thought. "Now, don't tell me you're planning to start the whole nonsense all over again!" she said, alarmed. "Because ...
SOLVED,I used a device to sniff UART between F133 and slave device,Its RTS CTS line corrupted, so I removed it and everything ok now,thanks for your kind help @