Most famously known for their ‘Kånken’ backpack, Fjällräven also produces a range of other outdoor equipment. Designed and made in Sweden, the outdoor brand’s gear is designed to handle the cold of a Swedish winter and the heat of their summer aka just about anything you can poss...
000 items sold on the marketplace per day in 2018. Some of the fall styles from The North Face available on eBay include the men’s Resolve 2 Jacket, the women’s Glacier Quarter Zip Jacket, the girl’s and boy’s Zipline Rain Jacket and the Borealis backpack....
Styles Accessories Handbags Backpack Belt Card Case Clutch Crossbody Duffle Face Masks Headwear Hobo Home Goods Jewelry Keychain Key Pouch Messenger Pouch Scarves Shoulder Bag Sunglasses Tech Accessories Top Handle Tote Travel Waist Bag Wallet Watches 显示更多 Colors Beige Black Blue Brown Clear/PVC Gol...