Since then, with 100, 000 visitors a year, it has become the most popular place on the planet to see giant pandas in their habitat. 从那以后,它以每年10万的游客量成为世界上最受欢迎的观看大熊猫栖息地的场所。 3. Pele, perhaps the greatest player ever in the world's ...
So, today, I stumbled upon this: Apparently, it's a list of almost ALL porn sites that exist...
@fanhua在T113的TinaLinux分配给/mnt/UDISK太大 如何加大给文件系统的根目录 也就是overlay中说:我的是t113-bingpi_m2好像就没有这目录啊 怎么
yes mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p4 on /mnt failed: Invalid argument [/init]: Failed to mount /dev/mmcblk0p4!我也尝试在uboot里面去设置一下 env set mmc_root /dev/mmcblk0p4 saveenv,但是没有效果,这个该怎么处理呢?另外还有一个问题就是我能给新加的这个分区在制作的时候加密上吗?访问...