This fast-growing African music site is the best combination of speed and scale. Because it’s easier for small sites to demonstrate rapid growth, several of the domains at the top of the list are relatively small – but Mdundo is an exception ranked #2 both by its rapid growth...
Rated down to 68 Hz (–3 dB), the speaker excludes the rear port found in the Q650c so it can be placed inside an entertainment cabinet or backed up against a wall without acoustic penalty. Sensitivity and maximum output are spec’d at 87 and 108 dB, respectively. Like other models i...
In addition to taking music and rituals to be modes of action and doing (see also Asad 1993; Stephenson 2018; Sykes 2018), this paper specifies that a primary aspect of what Cambodian musical aesthetics and Buddhist rituals do is to enact relations between people, deities, and the dead ...