The original version of "Jersey Shore" was notorious for its portrayal of toxic masculinity, with male cast members engaging in behaviors characterized by aggression, dominance, and hypersexuality.Toxic masculinityrefers to a set of socially constructed attitudes, behaviors, and norms associated with tr...
while JWoww was also made famous for making people laugh at her and her friends on reality TV showJersey Shore. They may have different types of stardom, but they do both entertain
One of the most affluent suburbs of New York City, Upper Montclair is a highly desirable place to live in New Jersey. It's one of the safest places in the nation, witha crime rate that is 76% lower than the U.S. average. Upper Montclair is also home to an excellent public school ...
Think about the Thanksgiving table. What dishes are usually a staple for your family's meal? You've, of course, got the turkey. Maybe you come from a family that serves both turkey and ham. That's not uncommon for some Jersey families. Then, you've got the plethora of side dishes t...