On this page you will find lists of the most popular given names in various regions of the world. Typically the information is compiled by a national statistics agency, though in some cases it comes from another source. Usually the information is based on the names parents register for their...
#1963Sweden2022 #2676France2022 Country ranking (girls) RankCountryYear No ranking of first name TILL (female) births over the last year available in each country Other boys' names aroundTill TILFORDTILITILIANTILIANNTILIANOTILIENINTILINATILIOTILIONTILJONTILLTILLDRICKTILLETILLERTILLITILLIANTILLIETILLIOTI...
Hannah (Girl) Hannah (Boy) Mouse over or Click for Percentages. Hannah (Girl)Hannah (Boy) Year%No. of Babies Given NamePopul. RankNo. of Babies Given NamePopul. Rank 2018 5,629 33 5 12,766 2017 5,907 32 6 11,229 2016 6,013 33 < 5 -- 2015 6,414 28 9 8,259 2014 6,585...
Kamyla (Girl) Mouse over or Click for Percentages. Kamyla (Girl) Year%No. of Babies Given NamePopul. Rank 2018 35 4,076 2017 55 2,982 2016 43 3,609 2015 36 4,100 2014 32 4,494 2013 52 3,139 2012 52 3,187 2011 62 2,812 2010 54 3,094 2009 54 3,144 2008 49 3,397 2007...
Like neon spandex and big, permed hair, Nicole goes hand-in-hand with the 1980s. The name remained close to the top 10 most popular girl names from 1978 to 1988. During the absolute peak of Nicole mania, more than 1% of female babies born were given the name. ...
Like neon spandex and big, permed hair, Nicole goes hand-in-hand with the 1980s. The name remained close to the top 10 most popular girl names from 1978 to 1988. During the absolute peak of Nicole mania, more than 1% of female babies born were given the name. ...
Throughout the 1920s, Dorothy maintained a steady run as one of the top choices for baby girl names, and it remained among the top three names for over a decade. Dorothy has steadily decreased in popularity since then, and as of 2017, is the 601st most popular girl's name. #14. Ant...
Throughout the 1920s, Dorothy maintained a steady run as one of the top choices for baby girl names, and it remained among the top three names for over a decade. Dorothy has steadily decreased in popularity since then, and as of 2017, is the 601st most popular girl's name. #14. Ant...
SOUTH DAKOTA'S MOST POPULAR GIRLS' NAMES FOR 2023 (Projected) Amelia Charlotte Evelyn Sophia Ava Emma Harper Olivia Hazel Quinn Seven of South Dakota’s top 10 girl’s names are also on the national top 10 list, the three names unique to South Dakota are Harper, Hazel, and Quinn. ...
Throughout the 1920s, Dorothy maintained a steady run as one of the top choices for baby girl names, and it remained among the top three names for over a decade. Dorothy has steadily decreased in popularity since then, and as of 2017, is the 601st most popular girl's name. #14. Ant...