RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected frompopular fronts) Dictionary Encyclopedia </>embed</> alliance coalition alinement alignment popular fr... noun Words related to popular front
African popular music (including many genres; not actually a genre itself)AfrobeatApalaBengaBikutsiCape JazzChimurengaFuji musicHighlifeHiplifeIsicathamiyaJitJùjúKizombaKuduroKwaitoKwelaMakossaMarrabentaMbalaxMuseve aka SunguraMbaqangaMbubeMornaPalm-wineRaïSakaraSalegySoukous aka Congo, Lingala or African r...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Popular Language words, expressions, types of word-formation and inflection, and features of pronunciat...
he was one of the most prominent figures working within the field of impressionist music, though he himself intensely disliked the term when applied to his compositions. Debussy is not only among the most important of all French composers but also a central figure in European music at the turn...
[1935–40; compare Sp.frente popular,Frenchfront populaire] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. popular front A coalition of leftist political groups, especially any of those forme...
José Victoriano (Carmelo Carlos) González-Pérez (23 March 1887 – 11 May 1927), better known as Juan Gris (Spanish: [ˈxwan ˈɡɾis]; French: [gʀi]), was a Spanish painter born in Madrid who lived and worked in France most of his life. Closely connected to the innovativ...
Nowadays, popular music artists from a wide range of cultures perform in English alongside other local languages. This phenomenon questions the coexistence of different languages within local music practices. In this article, I argue that we cannot fully
The Food and Music Connection There are millions of active Spotify monthly listeners since the music and audio streaming platform provides users an extensive collection music genre, music artists, podcast as well as other audio content that would suit the mood or meet the needs of the listener. ...
This edited volume brings together native British and French scholars of popular music in order to explore, compare, and contrast some of the ways in which the study of the genre has developed in both countries over the past two decades. In the introductory chapter, Hugh Dauncey and Philippe ...
Op.12, No.3 Watchmans Song French Horn Quartet Op.12, No.3 Watchmans Song Piano Op.12, No.3 Watchmans Song Saxophone Quartet Op.12, No.3 Watchmans Song String Quartet Op.12, No.3 Watchmans Song Wind Quartet Op.12, No.4 Fairy Dance Brass Quintet ...