Unisex or gender-neutral Chinese names also became more popular in this decade. For instance, 子涵 (Zǐhán) – a name composed of two gender-fluid characters 子 (zǐ) and 涵 (hán) rose to the 5th place for girl names and the 10th place for boy names. ...
If you want to make a pretty Chinese girl names, these girls' name is for easy reference. We list a lot of meaningful Chinese girl names. Let's have a try. -Chinese girl names
“pleasant” When it comes female Chinese names, “怡” (Yí) is often one of the first characters that come to Chinese people’s minds. As has been mentioned above, a character’s meaning plays a tremendous role for people to decide whether or not it should be chosen to be part of a...
Description: It’s a primarily masculine name that’s sometimes used as a girl’s name because of its association with the red rose. Qiu Origin: Chinese Meaning: Autumn or season of fall Variations/Synonyms: Hill or mound Description:“Qiu” is the little-known given name of the famous...
than 5,000 names to choose from. Under each section there are Biblical names, names that are categorized from A to Z which are also ranked according to popularity. There are also country specific names if you are looking for Chinese names, Mexican names, Italian names, and a whole lot ...
Baby girl names that start with E Community September 2023 Birth Club Baby names that are popular By Dcs27 Do you guys pay any mind to the popularity of baby names you like? On one hand I don’t want my child to be in class with five other people with the same name, but on the ...
Description: It’s among the most popular girl names and is also a common surname. Changpu Origin: Chinese Meaning: Simple Variations/Synonyms: Forever simple or flourishing vine Description: It’s a popular name for boys and girls. Chao Origin: Chinese Meaning: Surpass Variations/Synonym...
Modern Islamic baby girl names from Quran Among the top 10 Muslim Girl names, Aisha, Fatima, and Zara are frequently favored. These names not only hold historical and religious significance but also resonate with strength, faith, and grace. Aisha, for instance, was the name of the beloved wi...
So Chinese translators did a really good job. They changed the title into魂断蓝桥Húnduàn Lánqiáo, which appeals to the famous Chinese legend of蓝桥相会(Lán Qiáo Xiānghuì, “Meeting by the Blue Bridge”). It tells the story of a Tang-dynasty era student, who met a girl at the Blue...
- Name meaning: At. In Chinese, it’s pronounced “ai-ta” which sounds similar to “love him” in Chinese. - Reason for ban: It’s a symbol. Chinese parents technically can choose any name they’d like for their kids. That said, people are encouraged to choose baby names that can...