George Gruntz (24 June 1932 – 10 January 2013) was a Swiss jazz pianist, organist, harpsichordist, keyboardist, and composer known for the George Gruntz Concert Big Band and his work with Phil Woods, Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Don Cherry, Chet Baker, Art Farmer, Dexter Gordon, Johnny Griffin...
The Lawrence Welk Show is an American televised musical variety show hosted by big band leader Lawrence Welk. The series aired locally in Los Angeles for four years, from 1951 to 1955, then nationally for another 27½ years via the ABC network, from 1955 to 1971, and first-run syndication...
A famous namesake for the era was American singer Georgia Carroll, who was part of the Big Band sound of the 1940s. Previously a model, the attractive songstress was known as “Gorgeous Georgia”. Another was the American artist Georgia O’Keefe, whose reputation grew substantially during the...
The origins of popular music can be traced back to the early 1900s with the rise of jazz and blues.These genres, born in African American communities, laid the foundation for what would become modern popular music.The 1930s and 1940s saw the emergence of swing and big band music, which ...
Songs are the ultimate product of making music. They are a product of art, but at the end of the day also big business. The most famous songs are known all over the world. Not only are they constantly played on the radio, hummed under the shower, or sung in karaoke bars, but they...
ballad (noun): a slow song usually about love - Janis sings up-tempo rock songs as well as slow ballads. bebop (noun): a complex style of up-tempo jazz from the 1950s - The best bepop player I ever heard was Charlie Parker. big band (noun): a large jazz band, esp. one that ...
of Broadway musical theater and the songs of Tin Pan Alley. Tin Pan Alley was an area called Union Square in the New York City,which had been the major center for music center for music publishing towards the end of the 19th century.The songwriyers of this genre wrote formulaic songs,...
It became, to use Greil Marcus’s phrase, an Invisible Republic, not only where Presley chose to sing Arthur (“Big Boy”) Crudup’s song (“That’s All Right Mama”) but where Chuck Berry, a brown-eyed handsome man (his own segregation-era euphemism), revved up Louis Jordan’s jump...
Big John Special;shine;stompin At The Savoy;keepin Out Of Mischief Now;you Hit The Spot;go Harlem;dont Be That Way;darktown Strutters Ball;if Dreams Come True;nit Wit Serenade;rhythm And Romance;king Porter... CCD-73 DICK MELDONIAN, SONNY IGOEAND THEIR BIG SWING BAND 1980-1982 Jump ...
Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons were a staple of the early rock 'n' roll doo-wop years with famous tracks like "Sherry" and "Big Girls Don't Cry." Valli's smooth voice and songs about young love captured the ears of kids and adults alike, and in 1975, the band peaked with the...