African AmericansAfrican CultureAfricansExpat AmericanArabicArabic CultureAsiansAsian AmericansASL Sign LanguagesAustralian CultureExpat AustralianBisexual FemmeBilingual Spanish/EnglishBisexualBisexual MenBisexual WomenBlack IdentityBlack MenBlack WomenBlack ExpressionsBlackologyBrazilian CultureExpat BrazilianExpat BritishBr...
Total Nerd Gaming Unscripted Lifestyle Music Sports #15 Anton Chekhov on The 500+ Best Writers of All Time #25 True Grit on The Best American Novels Of All Time, Ranked COLLECTION40 LISTSChina Authors Scientists Physicians Artists Presen- ters Poets Movies Screen- writers...
Midwest Popular Culture Association/Midwest American Culture Association For conference information: East Asian Popular Culture Area Details: The East Asian Popular Culture area explores various media and social phenomena from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Mongolia...
aOne of the most popular American authors of her day, humanitarian, crusader for women’s rights, editor of Asian magazine, philanthropist, noted for her novels of life in China, Pearl S. Buck was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938. The decision of the Swedish Academy stirred co...
Harukawa's artwork features voluptuous women with large breasts, wide hips, round buttocks and thick legs overpowering and humiliating smaller men. The women in Harukawa's drawings are typically Asian or European in appearance. Harukawa's women usually have an aloof look on their faces and o...
African AmericansAfrican CultureAfricansExpat AmericanArabicArabic CultureAsiansAsian AmericansASL Sign LanguagesAustralian CultureExpat AustralianBisexual FemmeBilingual Spanish/EnglishBisexualBisexual MenBisexual WomenBlack IdentityBlack MenBlack WomenBlack ExpressionsBlackologyBrazilian CultureExpat BrazilianExpat BritishBr...
aOne of the most popular American authors of her day, (处于她所在的日子)humanitarian, crusader(改革者) for women’s rights, editor of Asian magazine, philanthropist,(慈善家) noted for her novels of life in China, Pearl S. Buck was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938. The decis...
The COVID-19 pandemic further fueled the racial discrimination Asian Americans had already experienced for many years. Joanna Ho's picture book, "Eyes That Kiss in the Corners," tells the touching story of a young child who learns to accept and love the shape of her eyes, which ...
and graduate and undergraduate students. MAPACA is an inclusive professional organization dedicated to the study of popular and American culture in all their multidisciplinary manifestations. It is a regional division of the Popular Culture and American Culture Association (PCA/ACA). MAPACA hosts an ...
Cheng, Emily. “Meat and the Millennium: Transnational Politics of Race and Gender in Ruth Ozeki’sMy Year of Meats.”Journal of Asian American Studies12.2 (2009): 191-220. Chiu, Monica. “PostnationalGlobalization and (En)gendered Meat Production in Ruth L. Ozeki'sMy Year of Meats”Lit: ...