TVY • Kids, Animation • TV Series (2002) Wrapped up in the endearing humor and physical comedy that made the Madagascar movies so popular, Madagascar: A Little Wild is a CG, musical comedy series featuring Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman as young residents of a rescue habitat in ...
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Cuphead 2017 7,894 votes Cuphead is an indie gem with a touching backdrop of two brothers who gambled with the devil and lost. This high-octane action-packed shooter game features a beautiful throwback to the animation style of the 1930s that's as charming as it is ch...
7. The Star (2017) 42% 6.3/10 pg 86m Genre Comedy, Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy Stars Steven Yeun, Gina Rodriguez, Zachary Levi Directed by Timothy Reckart Watch on Netflix The biblical story of Christmas is seen through the eyes of animals inThe Star.Uninterested in milling wheat...
In Pixar's 2017 animated filmCoco, the protagonist Miguel idolizes the man he believes to be his grandmother's long-lost father, deceased famous singer Ernesto de la Cruz. When Miguel plays Coco's father's guitar, he finds himself transported to the Land of the Dead and face to face with...
Over 1K filmgoers have voted on the 70+ films on Best Movies With Robots & Androids. Current Top 3: Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Star Wars: Episode V - The ...
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The Most Popular Girls in School: With Lily Vonnegut, Carlo Moss, Kate Frisbee, Garrett Mendez. The Overland Park Cheerleading Squad go on various misadventures to try to reclaim their school from treason, hipsters, back-stabbers, and other enemies as th