Avoid breach notification requirements by encrypting or tokenising the data Identify irregular access patterns and breaches in progress through security intelligence logsRegulation Compliance Summary South Africa’s POPI Act requires organisations to adequately protect sensitive data or face large fines, civil...
Avoid breach notification requirements by encrypting or tokenizing the data Identify irregular access patterns and breaches in progress through security intelligence logsRegulation Compliance Summary South Africa’s POPI Act requires organizations to adequately protect sensitive data or face large fines, civil...
Thought leadership thus far considers POPI compliance to be a stepping stone to GDPR compliance, but you should be sure that your systems do meet POPI requirements within a year after POPI becomes active law. What Happens If You Don't Comply: Fines and Punishments Failing to comply with POPI ...
Nicol Myburgh, POPI Act adviser to Databuild As custodians of this information, business owners must ensure they put adequate measures in place to protect it but, Myburgh points out, there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to achieving compliance with POPI. “Business owners wil...