教皇方济各(Pope Francis)是现任天主教会的教皇,也是梵蒂冈城的国家元首。他的本名是豪尔赫·马里奥·贝戈利奥(Jorge Mario Bergoglio),出生于阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯,是首位出身于南美洲的教皇,也是继若望·保禄二世后首位非欧洲裔的教皇。方济各的教皇生涯始于2013年,他接替了退...
(reigned 985–996). Therefore they mistakenly numbered the real popes John XV to XIX as John XVI to XX. These popes have since customarily been renumbered XV to XIX, but John XXI and John XXII continue to bear numbers that they themselves formally adopted on the assumption that there ...
Agnew, Paddy
Pope Francis Preparatory School教皇弗朗西斯预备学校 马萨诸塞州-斯普林菲尔德 私立走读、 男女混合、 音乐课程、高尔夫课程 、新英格兰 、STEM课程 、蓝带学校! 基本信息 学校类型:男女合校 宗教背景:天主教 建校年份:1883 招生年级:9-11 学生人数:450 平均班级人数:16 师生比例:1:10 高级教师比例:64% 国际学...
A new document released by the Vatican Monday includes a new shift in policy by Pope Francis that allows priests to bless same-sex couples. Joshua McElwee, a news editor at the National Catholic Reporter, joins CBS News with the policy's potential i
方济各不是他的名字,教皇都是选择前任教皇的尊号的,他选择这个尊号是为了纪念亚西西的方济各(Francesco d'Assisi)。方济各也就是意大利语“弗朗切斯科”的港式译名。关于这一称号的来历 ---亚西西的方济各是动物、商人、天主教教会运动、美国旧金山市以及自然环境的守护圣人,也是方济各会(又称“小兄弟会”...
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Bono, frontman for Irish rock band U2, met Pope Francis on Wednesday and said afterwards he is an extraordinary man who is sincere in his pain over a sexual abuse crisis in Ireland. Bono and the pope spoke for more than 30 minutes at a meeting to team up the...
In Turnaround, Pope Sends Top Sexual Abuse Investigator to Chile More Reuters Bishop Juan Barros looks on as Pope Francis leaves at the end of a mass at the Lobito beach in Iquique, Chile, January 18, 2018. REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi By Philip Pullella VATICAN CITY (Reut...
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