Since his election as pope nearly a year ago, Francis haspromoted the idea of a more humble churchfocused on the needs of the poor, winning huge popularity and raising expectations that it would soften its rules on such issues as contraception, cohabitation, divorce and gay relationships. Asked...
Francis dove head-on into the most pressing issue confronting the meeting of 270 bishops during a solemn Mass in St. Peter's Basilica:How to better minister to Catholic families experiencing separation, divorce and other problemswhen the church's teaching holds that marriage is forever. He insist...
When it comes to divorce and marriage, most adults believe Pope Francis is doing pretty well, with 40 percent agreeing he has the “right stance” when it comes to issues surrounding the marriage covenant. The major differences here are between generations, with more Millennials believing he is...
Pope Benedict XVI addressed a conference in Rome on stem cells where he reiterated the Church’s stance of “… full respect for the human being from conception” (Pope Benedict XVI, 2006: 5). For most conservatives, it is the potential of the embryo to develop into a full human person ...
” Now its prefect is Cardinal Gerhard Müller, who led the opposition to any softening of the church’s stance against divorcees atlast month’s synod of bishops, and who hasgone after American nuns for being too feministand spending too much timefighting poverty instead of opposing gay ...