For the past few weeks,Francis has generally avoideddelivering long speeches to avoid the strain on his breathing. He ditched his Palm Sunday homily last week and decided at the last minute to stay home from the Good Friday procession at the Colosseum. The Vatican said in a brief explanation ...
Pope in Palm Sunday Homily Decries Indifference to RefugeesVATICAN CITY - Pope Francis in his Palm Sunday homily decriedwhat he called indifference to the...Frances D'Emilio
Pope Francis poses for pictures with faithful at the end of a Palm Sunday service in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Sunday, April 13, 2014. Pope Francis, marking Palm Sunday in a packed St. Peter's Square, ignored his prepared homily and spoke entirely off-the-cuff in a remarkab...
And in 2014’s Palm Sunday homily, he made those guards mad again when he posed for “selfies” with young people and also sipped tea passed to him from the crowd. He is even getting his own magazine dedicated to the weekly doings, sayings, gestures and activities of the 265th Successor...
"I, too, need Jesus to caress me and be near to me,″ Francis said. Concern over abandonment threaded through his homily. "Entire peoples are exploited and abandoned; the poor live on our streets and we look the other way; migrants are no longer faces but numbers; prisoners are disowned...
when he skipped his homily at a palm sunday service in st peter's square. the pontiff is due to preside over a number of religious services and ceremonies leading up to easter on sunday, including a washing of the feet ritual in a women's prison in rome on thursday. easter is...
ference to Refugees Pope Decries Indifference to RefugeesPope Decries Indifference to RefugeesVATICAN CITY - Pope Francis in his Palm Sunday homily decriedwhat he called indifference to the...Frances D'emilio
Pope Francis chose not to live in the official papal residence in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City. Instead, he lives in the Vatican guest house. However, the Pope does appear at the window of the Apostolic Palace for the Sunday Angelus. Either way, technically, the Pope lives in ...
Pope Francis, during a rare interview from the Vatican, urged acceptance, saying, "The Gospel is for everyone." May 19 Pope Francis says "peace is never made with weapons" at Easter Sunday mass Due to health concerns, Pope Francis had skipped the Palm Sunday homily last week and decid...
For the past few weeks, Francis has generally avoided delivering long speeches to avoid the strain on his breathing. He ditched his Palm Sunday homily last week and decided at the last minute to stay home from the Good Friday procession at the Colosseum. The Vatican said in a brief explanati...