Pope Francis Pope of Vatican City Next In-Country Power International Power Respect Military Strength Intelligence Special Skill: Man of the People Official Stats Official Title:Pope Government:Theocracy Years Left in Office:Life or till resignation...
Just by the fact that you acknowledge the bible as the inspired Word of God, you are acknowledging the authority of the Catholic Church and her bishops. btw – There are 73 book that were declared as canonical, not 66. Even the original Protestant bible had them all in there. Some were ...
Pope Francis has urged Indonesia to live up to its promise of “harmony in diversity” and fight religious intolerance.
Andrew Arthur, Human Rights, Immigration Courts, Immigration Reform, Jesus Christ, Jews, Julie Rose, Legal Immigration, Legislation, Matthew 25:44, Migration, Muslims, National Security, Paul Wickham Schmidt, Persecution, Philosophy, Podcasts, Politics, Pope Francis, President Joe Biden, Pro Bono ...
In his new book, Our Father: Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer, Pope Francis offers unprecedented insight into some of Jesus’s most profound words. In this excerpt from the book, the Pope unpacks the line “who art in heaven.” “Heaven” means the greatness of God, his omnipotence. ...
In his remarks to the Indonesian authorities, Francis compared the country’s human diversity with the archipelago’s 17,000 islands. He said each one contributes something specific to form “a magnificent mosaic, in which each tile is an irreplaceable element in creating a great original and pre...
On exchanging e-mail with Pope Francis, then Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, when the country was debating legalizing same-sex marriage, which it did in 2010: "I remember reading excerpts from the press saying that Cardinal Bergoglio had said ... things that were extremely negative...
[Pope Francis]:Americo has something in mind. He told me he is preparing something. He is preparing it well. [Nicole Winfield, Associated Press]: Holy Father, I wanted to ask you something a little different. You recently made a very strong ecumenical gesture. You donated, on beha...
On the close of the Year of Faith, Pope Francis has promulgated an Apostolic Exhortation titled Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel). A pdf version of the document is available here. This is the first papal document largely written by Pope Francis ...
The rogue CIA that was squarely behind the Obama deception is also behind the Francis deception. Their primary means of controlling the likes of Obama (and Francis) were many, but the strategic usage of Pedogate crimes is certainly the most effective. After all, the original Pedogate of the...