Category Archives:Pope Francis 60 Minutes does an hour with Francis, the Progressive Pope Posted onMay 21, 2024byEeyore As no one who works closely with this website is an expert on Catholic doctrine, we will post this video on the hopes that those who are, and if not expert, at least...
Pope Francis in South America: Minute by Minute UpdateGuglielmo Tell
Joe Biden claims Pope Francis said he should continue receiving Holy Communion, despite the president's radical, anti-Catholic support for abortion. Biden asserted that the pontiff “was happy I’m a good Catholic,” and that the president should “keep receiving Communion.” Please SIGN this ur...
“Pope Francis’ clear and public support for same-sex civil unions marks a new stage in the church’s relationship with LGBTQ people,” said Father James Martin, a Jesuit priest and author of “Building a Bridge,” a book about Catholic ministry to homosexuals...
While we at The Catholic Geeks maintain that Pope Francis is both a bad pope and a bad administrator (not necessarily the same job, after all), for a while it was extremely frustrating dealing with the misinformation being pushed by media outlets on every little thing that Pope Francis did....
Through it all, Francis expressed his remorse, begged forgiveness and promised to do everything possible to make sure such abuses never occur again. “This is our shame and humiliation,” he said in his first public remarks on Belgian soil. ...
Last week,Pope Francis surprisingly announced that he is writing a second part of Laudato Si’ to bring it up to date with current issues. Subsequently, theHoly See Press Officespecified that it was a further environmental update on problems. It is interesting news because it says something ab...
According to Pope Francis, if Islamic terrorists were simply given “equal opportunities” we could solve the problem of global terror once and for all. What in the world is he thinking? The truth is that some of the wealthiest nations on the entire planet such as Saudi Arabia, the Unite...
Pope Francis at Mass: If you don’t find a priest to go to confession, speak to God. He’s your father If you’re a Roman Catholic, now would be a great time to exercise logic and ask yourself “if I don’t need a priest in coronavirus quarantine, then why do I ever ...
The arrival to Canada of Pope Francis will fulfill the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #58: “We call upon the Pope to issue an apology to survivors, their families, and communities for the Roman Catholic Church’s role in the spiritual, cultural, ...