Pope John Paul II. Writer: La bottega dell'orefice. Pope John Paul II was the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 1978 until his death in 2005. He was elected pope by the second papal conclave of 1978, which was calle
After John Paul II.(Pope John Paul II conservative about homosexuality)(Brief Article)McNeill, John J
John Paul II, (18 May 1920 – 2 April 2005), reigned as the 264th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church and Sovereign of theState of theVatican Cityfrom 16 October 1978, until his death, almost 27 years later. His was the second-longest pontificate after Pius IX’s 32-year reign....
Pope John Paul II, Biography essaysIn the history of the Catholic Church there have been but a few great popes who have made a change in history, Pope John Paul II is one of them. When he was young the Nazis occupied his home country, Poland. But desp
John Bosco High School 圣约翰博斯克男子高中 15 -- 8:56 App SJMA - What's Happening After School - St. John's High School-Shrewsbury 麻省圣约翰男子 14 -- 6:16 App CS - School Video - Cardinal Spellman High School 28 -- 4:20 App TCMS - Meet Zaina - The Cambridge Matignon School...
was rejected by Pope Paul VI after he had been advised by a few dissenters that such a change would threaten the Church’s claim to infallible teaching. The reaffirmation of the anti-birth control teachings in the papal encyclicalHumanae Vitae(1968) created a storm of protest throughout the ...
Still, when Pope John Paul I died in 1978 after only a 34-day reign, few suspected Wojtyla would be chosen to replace him. But, after seven rounds of balloting, the Sacred College of Cardinals chose the 58-year-old, and he became the first-ever Slavic pope and the youngest to be ...
In October 1978, after John Paul I’s untimely death, and less than three years after his impressive Lenten discourses, Wojtyla was elected by his brother cardinals on the eighth ballot by a huge majority (104 out of 111 votes). When Wojtyla emerged for the first time as Pope before the...
John Paul II opposed communism. Growing up in Poland, he experienced the repression of the Nazis and, later, the Commies. His clandestine support of the Solidarity movement (Poland's first independent labor union) certainly contributed to the downfall of the Soviet state. Shortly after his papal...
In Krakow, Poland, where John Paul studied for the priesthood, about 800,000 people watched the funeral on three TV screens set up in a field. Many had spent the night around bonfires after a Thursday night Mass drew a million people. Sirens wailed in Warsaw for three minutes to announce...