popcnt(Population Count)是一种位操作,用于计算一个整数中设置为1的位的数量。在Linux系统中,popcnt通常通过CPU的指令集来实现,如x86架构中的POPCNT指令。 基础概念 位操作:直接对整数的二进制位进行操作的技术。 Population Count:计算一个整数中1的个数。
https://github.com/simd-everywhere/simde This project looks promising. I tried to add mm_dp_ps support (to fix SSE 4.1 in Cyberpunk) but failed to compile after that. Maybe you will be interested
Unsupported CPU: CPU Does Not Have POPCNT” error. This error is being caused by your CPU as it doesn’t support a certain instruction set the game requires to run. Upgrade your CPU to fix the “CPU Does Not Have POPCNT” error. However, there is a workaround to this error. Follow t...