打开Outlook Express。选择“工具” > “帐户”。 点击“增加”>“邮件”。 显示名称:输入你的名称。这是您发送电子邮件的发件人名称,然後点击“下一步”。 E-mail地址:完整的电子邮件地址,然後点击“下一步”。 我的邮件接收服务器:POP3 / IMAP
若要创建新帐户并让该帐户使用现有的 Outlook 数据文件(.pst),请执行以下步骤: 在“文件”选项卡上,选择“信息”,选择“帐户设置”,然后选择“帐户设置”。 在“帐户设置”对话框中的“电子邮件”选项卡上,选择“新建”。 选择电子邮件帐户,然后选择...
若要建立新的帳戶,並讓該帳戶使用現有的 Outlook 數據檔 (.pst) ,請遵循下列步驟: 在[檔案] 索引標籤上,選取 [資訊],選取 [帳戶設定],然後選取 [帳戶設定]。 在[帳戶設定] 對話方塊的 [電子郵件] 索引標籤上,選取 [新增]。 選取[電子郵件帳戶],然後選取 [下一步]。
打开Outlook。点击 “文件” > “信息” > “添加帐户”。 选择“手动配置服务器设置或其他服务器类型”,然後点击 “下一步”。 选择“POP or IMAP”,然後点击 “下一步”。 您需要输入以下信息: 你的名称:输入你的名称。这是您发送电子邮件的发件人名称。
Just Add POP3 Account To follow the procedure, go to Account Setting: If you are using Outlook 2003 Choose Tools—E-Mail Account – Options – Select: Add an email account If you are using Outlook 2007 Choose Tool – Account Settings – Click on the new tab – Add a new email account...
I have a second work email address that has been set up for me for a project I'm working on. I have been accessing it via webmail but I wanted to add it as a POP3 account to Outlook. I added the new account and tested the settings successfully and finished the wizard;...
This issue has been fixed inVersion 1906 Build 16.0.11727.20230released on 6/27/19. To install the updated build immediately click File, Office Account, Update Options, Update Now. More Resources Ask the experts Connect with experts, discuss the latest Outlook news and b...
For domain owner that need to setup pop3 email in Ms Outlook, here are the steps to setup POP3 email account in microsoft Outlook:- - Start your Ms Outlook Express - Click on Tools -> Accounts (Internet Accounts Dialog will appear) - Click on Add -> Mai
using (Imap client = new Imap()) { client.ConnectSSL("imap-mail.outlook.com"); client.UseBestLogin("pat@hotmail.com", "password"); ... } using (Pop3 client = new Pop3()) { client.ConnectSSL("pop-mail.outlook.com"); client.UseBestLogin("pat@hotmail.com", "password"); ... }...
Hi,after Google closed down less secure apps (incl. Outlook2013), I upgraded to Outlook 2021 and believed all had been solved.At the beginning of June from a...