Tips : Stop the Pop-up; SAP GUI Security; "Remeber My Decision" Former Member 2015 Jun 09 12:18 PM 18 Kudos 157,955 SAP Managed Tags: UI SAP GUI for Windows, Security Sometime it SAP GUI annoys us by asking the same questions every time we go to same a file locally ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi. you can use the function module POPUP_display_text. or you can use the statement MESSAGE E001(zmm) DISPLAY LIKE 'I'. it will display the error message as infomation that is in popup. regards, sakshi Reply former_member184155 Participant In respons...
SAP Managed Tags: UI Web Dynpro ABAP, Virtualization Hello All, we have a requirement to check if there is any unsaved data in my view and upon exit from the view without saving, we should give a pop up to confirm navigation. How to check if there is any unsaved data in a view an...
But after this when I started the SAP GUI, I got stuck at “Connecting-Please wait” pop up window. I waited for almost half an hour but no luck. Please help. -If I stop the SAPMMC server then I instantly gets “Connection refused” error message.In this case, working fine but in ...
SAP ABAP podatkovni rječnik (SE11) Modularizacija u ABAP-u: makronaredbe, potprogrami i funkcijski moduli Stvorena je interna tablica itab Popunjavanje internih tablica Sada kada smo uspješno kreirali neke interne tablice, pogledajmo kako ih popuniti nekim zapisima. Postoje različ...
In the interface, the response "Yes" is pre-selected, but "No" can also be pre-selected via a parameter. The user response (Yes, No or Cancel) is returned in a parameter. POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_WITH_MESSAGE With this function module you create a dialog box in which you inform the user ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello All, I would like to know if there is any function module that displays a popup warning message to a user and the popup should have ok and cancel buttons so some action can take place when user clicks on one of those buttons. Thanks in advanc...