这是一包简约、干净、专业的双面传单,易于使用和定制,具备多功能和明确的主题。传单模板非常适合各种活动的推广、分发和广告。 此模板完全可变,设计适合两个主要传单大小。适用于不同区域,所有传单模板都是分层的,完全可编辑,组织良好,引人注目。 主要特点: 美国信函和欧盟A4传单格式 完全打印就绪 CMYK,300 dpi 使用...
My bad that I uploaded the older version of the flyer done months ago. I've (hopefully) uploaded the last version which did contain graphics. Wosven - You mentioned "Look at flyers or mockup/template images online, you'll find nice ideas to reuse in your work." Would you please ...
"If you take a pair of shoes out of a box to try them on, put them back in the box and on the shelf when you're done instead of leaving them laying everywhere for people to trip over. Putting shoes away because you're too lazy to do it yourself eats up so much of the time ...