If Nyan Cat doesn’t ring a bell, it’s the name of a YouTube video uploaded in 2011 which became an internet meme. The video combined a Japanese pop song with an animated cartoon cat with a Pop-Tart for a torso, flying through space, and leaving a rainbow trail behind it. The vid...
When we lived in the U.S. my daughter was a fan of “I-Carly” and “Sam & Cat.” She doesn’t know about her music yet since we’ve been overseas, and with this news, not sure I’m going to let her listen. What a shame that her sweet demeanor on the show doesn’t match ...
在I feel love成功之后,Donna Summer接受采访时说“这首歌之所以成为热单是因为她有一种高能的氛围。”这是Hi-NRG(高能)舞曲这个流派名称的正式来源,Donna Summer并没有真的伟大到创造了舞曲,但I Feel Love剖析出了舞曲里最重要的essence:能量。在机械开场逐渐丰满并包容万物的bassline之中,把sxuality和让舞曲不再...