_OS and Linux Mint are best for beginners and provide a fresh experience to the users. However, there is always an argument between users that Linux Mint is not optimized enough. Linux Mint uses Cinnamon, which feels a bit outdated, so many users think it is old. On the other side, P...
_OS配置深度学习环境也很方便。你Arch Linux有yay -Scuda cudnn,我Pop有sudo apt install system76-cuda-10.1 system76-cudnn 10.1,(也可以选择别的版本,比如11.1,10.2...)还有sudo update-alternatives --config cuda来选择默认的cuda版本。使用此安装方法不需要安装完成后配置环境变量 Pop!_OS基于Ubuntu,一些我...
_OS、Fedora、Cutefish OS、Arch Linux、Feren OS、openSUSE、Mageia、Bohdi Linux、Deepin、Sabayon Linux、Peppermint Linux、MX Linux、EndeavorOS、Manjaro、Garuda、Debian、Zorin、elementary操作系统、PCLinuxOS……这样的例子不胜枚举。事实上,有数百个 Linux 发行版——又名“发行版”。 您拥有的某些外围设备可能...
Oracle Java 17 LTS has beenreleasedrecently, and is now available to install from the Linux Uprising Oracle Java PPA on Ubuntu, Debian, and Linux distributions based on these, such as Pop!_OS, Linux Mint, Zorin OS, etc. Java 17 is the latest long-term support (LTS) release, and with...
1. Install dependencies needed to build and run scrcpy on Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint, or Fedora. Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint: sudo apt install adb ffmpeg libsdl2-2.0-0 make gcc pkg-config meson ninja-build libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libsdl2-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev...
It is a no-brainer that Pop!_OS regularly updates the Linux Kernel offered. However, you will findLinux Kernel 5.16.19with all the hardware improvements out-of-the-box. Other Improvements There are some additional essential improvements that can be useful for a variety of users. Some of the...
download a fresh ISO of PopOS refresh current install with that ISO and immediately after doing that, apt-mark hold linux-image-5.16.19 so the PopShop wouldn’t update it automatically After that everything was fine, one recent day, the system just updated automatically to kernel 5.18.10, ...
DR For Linux and windows. Connect PSP to your Linux/Windows box via USB, then run: $ ./pop-fe.py --psp-dir=auto /psx/Grandia1of2.cue /psx/Grandia2of2.cue Or create a PS3 PKG: $ ./pop-fe.py --ps3-pkg=Grandia.pkg /psx/Grandia1of2.ccd /psx/Grandia2of2.ccd or ... ...
This article explains how to securely add OpenPGP keys and third-party APT repositories on Debian, Ubuntu, and Linux distributions based on these, like Linux Mint, Pop!_OS, Elementary OS and so on, to replace the deprecatedapt-key.
I. Install Tor in Ubuntu / Pop!_OS or Linux Mint The Tor package from the Ubuntu repositories is usually not updated frequently, so it's recommended you use the official Tor repository instead. Start by installingapt-transport-https, needed in order to use https repositories, and curl, to...