在Outlook for Android 中,转到“设置”>“添加帐户”>“添加电子邮件帐户”。 输入电子邮件地址。 点击“继续”。 当系统要求选择电子邮件提供商时,请选择“IMAP”或“POP3”。 打开“高级设置”并输入密码和服务器设置。 注意:如果尚不知道此信息,则需要从电子邮件提供商或管理员处获得...
Outlook.com 的 POP、IMAP 和 SMTP 设置 如果尝试将 Outlook.com 帐户添加到 Outlook 或其他邮件应用,可能需要 POP、IMAP 或 SMTP 设置。 可以在下面找到它们,也可以在Outlook.com 设置中查看它们。 Outlook 和 Outlook.com 可能能够自动检测帐户的邮箱设置,但对于其他非Microsoft帐户,可能需要联系电子邮件提供商了解...
Starten Sie Microsoft Outlook auf dem System. Wählen Sie im Menü Tools die Option Accounts aus. Wählen Sie die Option Other Email aus. Machen Sie auf der Seite "Account Information" folgende Angaben: Email Address: Geben Sie in das Feld E-mail Address Ihre Zoho E-Mail-Adresse (benutz...
ClickNext. Outlook will now attempt to retrieve your email server details and set up account access. Manual setup If your server cannot be found, verify that the email address you entered is correct and try again. You can enter your server details manually by selectingManual setup or additional...
Zoho Mail users can now experience enhanced email security and have better control over their preferences with the new Outlook Add-in while using their favorite email client.
Starting yesterday, when I open Outlook, a pop up is constantly appearing asking me to sign into my google account. I don't have one, nor do I want one - how do I stop this appearing? My email is otherwise working fine under my own domain.All replies (6)...
Outlook.MailItem mailItem = (Outlook.MailItem)olApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem); mailItem.To = Email; mailItem.Subject ="密码找回"; mailItem.BodyFormat = Outlook.OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML; mailItem.HTMLBody ="验证码是: "+ code +",请在10分钟内进行验证。验证码提供给他人可能...
For steps on how to use these settings to set up an initial account or add more accounts in the Outlook 2016 for Mac Accounts box, see Add an email account to Outlook. Use the information in the table below to understand or adjust the settings for your P...
尽管Exchange Server 2016架构可以完全不必使用到POP3或IMAP通信协议,但仍会有一些组织需要开放给某些传统收发邮件软件的客户端,比如Windows XP的Outlook Express或Win dows Live Mail等.这类软件是不支持Outlook Anywhere或MAPI over HTTP连接方式的.而在启用了POP3或IMAP服务之后,如果希望用户可以自行创建连接设置,IT单位...
Should you decide you wish to change your Outlook email account from using a POP3 connection to an IMAP connection, you can do so in a few simple steps. 1. Back up your mailboxes Switching from a POP3 connection to IMAP can result in your existing email being deleted, so you should cre...