”) I can also tell you it’s come in handy more than once whenHamletknowledge is needed for a crossword puzzle or trivia game. “Hamlet” is actually a cover of a song properly titled “Oor Hamlet,” by someone named Adam McNaughton who sings it in an insane Scottish accent. Wes’...
her "boxer braid" hairstyle, which was really cornrows that black women have worn for centuries; the totally unnecessary comments comparing people missing her oldblack hair to Barack Obamaleaving the White House; and, of course, the constant eye roll-y, back-and-forth shadeabout Taylor Swift....
running back and forth between Thompson and The Dude or grinding up against each of them in turn. There’s also a scene where Monáe appears to grab her own clone’s ass, which is neither here nor there but is highly relatable.
There’s a small running gag involving his irritation with an error in the New York Times crossword puzzle, and a nice walk-and-talk between him and Al Caldwell, the leader of the Christian delegation in the episode, but that’s about it. Though not a dated pilot by any means, there ...