Poverty alleviation and the eviction of the poorest : urban land transfer programs in the Philippines By Erhard Berner; Poverty alleviation and the eviction of the poorest: urban land transfer programs in the Philippines E Berner - International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University ...
I just got the chance to visit Ulingan in Manila, Philippines and sponsor a feeding personally. ULINGAN is a small slum community in Tondo, Manila
Economic and Social Dimensions of Rural Poverty in the Poorest Province of the Philippines. This study analyzed rural poverty in Masbate, the poorest of the eighty provinces in the Philippines. It determined the correlation between economic and so... Gavino-Gumba,Bernadette - 《International Journal...
Poverty alleviation and the eviction of the poorest: towards urban land reform - Berner - 2000E. Berner, "Poverty alleviation and the eviction of the poorest: towards Urban land reform in the Philippines," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 554- 566...
20 years of gender mainstreaming in health: lessons and reflections for the neglected tropical diseases community Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) affect the poorest of the poor. NTD programmes can and should rise to the challenge of playing a part in promoting more ... S Theobald,MacPherson, ...
Distributional impacts of the rice tariffication policy in the Philippines In March 2019, the government of the Philippines promulgated a bill called the Rice Tariffication Law (RTL). It has dramatically changed the policy landsca... J Balié,NW Minot,HGA Valera - 《Economic Analysis & Policy》...
Measuring the Unmeasurable: Decomposing Multidimensional Rural Poverty and Promoting Economic Development in the Poorest Region of Luzon, PhilippinesPoverty is the oldest social problem that ever existed and is difficult to reverse. It is multidimensional and unmeasurable. Thus, measuring by decomposing ...
Measuring the Unmeasurable: Decomposing Multidimensional Rural Poverty and Promoting Economic Development in the Poorest Region of Luzon, PhilippinesPoverty is the oldest social problem that ever existed and is difficult to reverse. It is multidimensional and unmeasurable. Thus, measuring by decomposing ...
Measuring the Unmeasurable: Decomposing Multidimensional Rural Poverty and Promoting Economic Development in the Poorest Region of Luzon, PhilippinesPoverty is the oldest social problem that ever existed and is difficult to reverse. It is multidimensional and unmeasurable. Thus, measuring by decomposing ...