Results: Until December 2002, 10 569 people got free treatment, 1 164 cataract patients regained their vision after free surgery. Conclusions: That we serve the patients with safe and effective surgery and call on the spirit of devotion as well as safe medical resources, is one of the aims ...
For patients with early age-related macular degeneration, impaired night vision is a risk factor for progression to advanced disease, researchers here found. Full Story
Findings Of 3708 participants, 3441 (93%) had final follow-up vision data recorded 40 or more days after surgery, 1831 of whom (51% of the 3581 total participants for whom mode of follow-up was recorded) had returned to the clinic without additional prompting. Visual outcome by hospital ...
WHO Global Malaria Program Director Pedro Alonso has said, "China is playing a major leadership role in the global health agenda. It is a strong, economically powerful country with a vision to contributing to the fight against malaria and generally in the improvement of health beyond its own bo...
57.9% had distant VA after optical low vision assessment of logMar 0.9 - logMar - 0.2 while the mean distant VA was logMar 0.8 which was statistically significant. Near vision after optical assessment improved with a mean of logMar 0.8, which was statistically significant. Conclusion: Glaucoma ...
571 Cops Including CP Have Poor Vision: 771 Personnel Attend Eye Camp Held by Pune Police; 15 Advised Surgery for CataractDighe, Sandip