Poor Things 上映日期:2024年2月29日片長:141 分鐘級別: III 4.1 953讚好134影評 場次 所有院線 expand_more 特別場 英皇戲院 MCL CINEMAS 高先電影院 百老匯院線 嘉禾院線 CINEMA CITY 新寶 其他 影藝戲院 香港藝術中心 M+戲院 CGV 澳門 博納國際影城 澳門 ...
可憐的東西(Poor Things)戲院上映場次、預告及影評。榮獲威尼斯影展金獅獎、金球獎7項提名,問鼎奧斯卡大熱之作《可憐的東西》由金像影后愛瑪史東,再度夥拍《爭寵》金像提名鬼才導演尤格藍西莫及幕後班底,超越前作、大膽突破的全新嘗試,絕對令人期待!不幸身亡的年輕女子
可憐的東西預告講述榮獲威尼斯影展金獅獎、金球獎7項提名,目前已贏得超過130項獎項及提名,更獲影評網站Rotten Tomatoes高達93%好評,問鼎奧斯卡大熱之作《可憐的東西》(Poor Things),由《星聲夢裡人》(La La Land) 金像影后愛瑪史東 (Emma Stone)監制及主演, 繼《爭寵》(The Favourite) 後再度夥拍金像提名鬼才導演...
Poor Things is a 2023 film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and written by Tony McNamara, based on the 1992 novel by Alasdair Gray. A co-production between Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the film stars Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo, Willem Dafoe, Ramy Youssef, Christopher Abbott...
「Mara Roszak和我合作設計髮型已經超過 15 年了,」獲得兩項提名(《Poor Things》和《The Curse》)的Emma Stone說。兩人向《Vogue》獨家透露了金球獎的美妝準備和靈感的幕後花絮,旨在向Emma Stone飾演的《Poor Things》中天真爛漫的Bella致敬。 為了為晚宴做準備,Mara Roszak首先拿出剪刀,直接為Emma Stone剪頭髮來...
MAKAR DIEVUSHKIN. P.S.—One thing I beg of you above all things—and that is, that you will answer this letter as FULLY as possible. With the letter I send you a packet of bonbons. Eat them for your health's sake, nor, for the love of God, feel any uneasiness about me. Onc...
看了半天影评,poor things的评价也太极端了,anyway我还挺喜欢的。虽然骂的那些有一部分我也同意,就不讲了,不过我觉得看下来最大的感受是bella的去性别化,只是单纯在享受性,她和duncan的交往过程我真的频频发笑,bella其实是大众异性恋中男方的角色,这个无聊白男被易地而处只会哭和酗酒。前面我一直在天人交战:my...
How I would watch and listen to these things! How strangely good they all would seem! But I was a mere infant in those days—a mere child. Yes, truly I loved autumn-tide—the late autumn when the crops are garnered, and field work is ended, and the evening gatherings in the hu...
MAKAR DIEVUSHKIN. MY DEAREST MAKAR ALEXIEVITCH,—Today Thedora came to me with fifteen roubles in silver. How glad was the poor woman when I gave her three of them! I am writing to you in great haste, for I am busy cutting out a waistcoat to send to you—buff, with a pattern...
MAKAR DIEVUSHKIN. P.S.—One thing I beg of you above all things—and that is, that you will answer this letter as FULLY as possible. With the letter I send you a packet of bonbons. Eat them for your health's sake, nor, for the love of God, feel any uneasiness about me. Once...