Notice I didn’t even mention food, because my hens ate exclusively table scraps and weeds from the yard that I threw to them. If your family doesn’t have plentiful food, table scraps may be thin on the ground and even if you can afford layer feed, access to it, like access to bed...
As a family caregiver, something likely triggered your parent’s inability to care for themselves. Typically, age-related cognitive decline or a physical accident could be the culprit, but what if they showed signs of mental incompetence? When do adult children step in? They have been the “pa...
work, faith, family, friends. We get one round at life here, so we need to make it count. These priorities aren’t new, but they are much more precious to me now.
Missing loved ones at a family reunionIt was another hot and humid day with temperatures in the 90’s. Now we are having a thunderstorm. It might cool off after this. We are also getting a good soaking rain which …Continue Reading ›› ...
Blog: Cooking with Poorni Recipes from Cooking with Poorni What kind of recipes from Cooking with Poorni are you looking for? Choose a dish or an ingredient to refine the selection. Apple Baked Banana Beetroot Bitters Bottle Gourd Cake Chakli Cheese Chocolate Chutney Cinnamon Corn Cottage ...
I start out with the best of intentions, keep recipes nice and simple – no more than six ingrediants please – but still the food does not taste as nice as it looks in the book and usually bear no resemblance to the photos. I have friends who adore cooking and who have shelves and...
This is Poor Penguin. He (she?) was unaware that my kids have an unhealthy obsession with penguins. Sam gave it a very, very enthusiastic hug. It was not amused. At this point the kids were asking the penguin if it would be their bff. It scratched its chin as if in deep thought....
My grandma always had delicious beef soup recipes bubbling away in her kitchen. Her cooking has definitely inspired my recipes, none more so than this hamburger soup.Filling, flavorful, and oh so simple to make, this is the kind of meal that makes everything better!
cryptography - A package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and recipes to Python developers. hashids - Implementation of hashids in Python. Paramiko - A Python (2.6+, 3.3+) implementation of the SSHv2 protocol, providing both client and server functionality. Passlib - Secure password storag...
A friend told me that when he was growing up in a “Little Italy” of tenement dwellers on the East Coast his family and friends were all poor, but nobody was ever allowed to go hungry; the community looked after its own. Currently, the Church is failing to even live up to the stan...